kimball@kimball-desktop:~/am335x$ ls
gcc-linaro-arm-linux-gnueabihf-4.7-2013.03-20130313_linux mkfs.ubifs myd-am335x_rootfs u-boot
linux-3.2.0 mk-ubi-512mb ubinize_512M.cfg
kimball@kimball-desktop:~/am335x$ ./mk-ubi-512mb myd-am335x_rootfs/
mkfs.ubifs: invalid option -- 'F'
Usage: mkfs.ubifs [OPTIONS] target
Make a UBIFS file system image from an existing directory tree
Build file system from directory /opt/img, writting the result in the ubifs.img file
mkfs.ubifs -m 512 -e 128KiB -c 100 -r /opt/img ubifs.img
The same, but writting directly to an UBI volume
mkfs.ubifs -r /opt/img /dev/ubi0_0
Creating an empty UBIFS filesystem on an UBI volume
mkfs.ubifs /dev/ubi0_0
-r, -d, --root=DIR build file system from directory DIR
-m, --min-io-size=SIZE minimum I/O unit size
-e, --leb-size=SIZE logical erase block size
-c, --max-leb-cnt=COUNT maximum logical erase block count
-o, --output=FILE output to FILE
-j, --jrn-size=SIZE journal size
-R, --reserved=SIZE how much space should be reserved for the super-user
-x, --compr=TYPE compression type - "lzo", "favor_lzo", "zlib" or
"none" (default: "lzo")
-X, --favor-percent may only be used with favor LZO compression and defines
how many percent better zlib should compress to make
mkfs.ubifs use zlib instead of LZO (default 20%)
-f, --fanout=NUM fanout NUM (default: 8)
-k, --keyhash=TYPE key hash type - "r5" or "test" (default: "r5")
-p, --orph-lebs=COUNT count of erase blocks for orphans (default: 1)
-D, --devtable=FILE use device table FILE
-U, --squash-uids squash owners making all files owned by root
-l, --log-lebs=COUNT count of erase blocks for the log (used only for
-v, --verbose verbose operation
-V, --version display version information
-g, --debug=LEVEL display debug information (0 - none, 1 - statistics,
2 - files, 3 - more details)
-h, --help display this help text
Note, SIZE is specified in bytes, but it may also be specified in Kilobytes,
Megabytes, and Gigabytes if a KiB, MiB, or GiB suffix is used.
If you specify "lzo" or "zlib" compressors, mkfs.ubifs will use this compressor
for all data. The "none" disables any data compression. The "favor_lzo" is not
really a separate compressor. It is just a method of combining "lzo" and "zlib"
compressors. Namely, mkfs.ubifs tries to compress data with both "lzo" and "zlib"
compressors, then it compares which compressor is better. If "zlib" compresses 20
or more percent better than "lzo", mkfs.ubifs chooses "lzo", otherwise it chooses
"zlib". The "--favor-percent" may specify arbitrary threshold instead of the
default 20%.
The -R parameter specifies amount of bytes reserved for the super-user.
ubinize: error!: cannot stat "ubifs.img" referred from section "rfs-volume"
error 2 (No such file or directory)
ubinize failed!!